Minutes from Beamdynamics meeting

Date: 30 Jan 2008
Participants: D. Schulte, L. Rinolfi, A. Latina, I. Ahmed, E. Adli, R. Tomas, F. Antoniou, O. Mete

Daniel reports about the ACE meeting that took place last week.

One of the questions we are called to answer to is the following : what if one incrases the bunch charge and the bunch spacing (i.e. same current) ?

Rogelio is working to prepare for the CLIC Beam Paramaters meeting.

Andrea has created a new version of the Static Alignment procedure in placet. A procedure that reduces the impact of the cavity wakefields in the main linac by moving the girders accordingly. He has also started using the new mad2placet conversion program, based on AML, to convert from MAD-X the post-collision line lattice.

Erik reports about some discussions that he has had with Igor, who gave him a new set of high-order longitudinal modes in the PETS that might be interesting to implement in placet. Besides, Erik is also studying to define the experiments that might be worth performin with the TBL and the two beams stand, in particular he is analyzing an idea by Daniel, that would allow to do bunch spacing gymansitcs using the delay loop and the combiner rings. He is also working in a CLIC Note.

Fanouria is starting her activies in CLIC, studying the fundamentals of the Damping Ring design.

Oznur is working on the e- gun. She is studying the theory and performing simulations using parmela.

Louis is working on the CLIC Parameters Note (Injector).

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Maintained by: Andrea Latina
Last updated: Februrary 20, 2008