Minutes from Beamdynamics meeting

Date: 22 Aug 2007
Participants: D. Schulte, H. Braun, A. Latina, Y. Renier (LAL, Orsay), I. Ahmed, K. Elsener, R. Zennaro, H. Shaker

Konrad presents "CLIC Luminosity Monitoring" (here are the slides).

Comments and discussion follow the presentation, then we go around the table.

Riccardo: is working on the short range wakefields in the cavities. He is seeing how you can represent the WFs of a rounded iris using the Karl Bane's formulation for rectangular irises. He is also trying to improve the fitting of the KB formula for small apertures. An improved fittings can be directly plug into simulation code placet.

Andrea: has helped Erik in comming his CSR implementation into the placet's CVS repository. He is also starting working on the BDS alignment under dynamic effect. In particular he is studying how to evaluate the relevance of each corrector / beam position monitor, in order to reduce the number of correctors, monitors involved in the correction. Andrea presents Yves, a Ph.D. student from LAL (Orsay) who came to CERN for a two weeks stage.

Yves: explains the "project" that he is going to do in the two weeks that he will spend at CERN. He is in charge of evaluating the status of the Universal Parser Library to create an interface from and to Placet. He has already started writing some example and the library seems in a good stage of the development, even if still there is some bugs.

Hamed: is writing his CLIC Note about longitudinal dynamics in the CTF3, until the delay loop.

Ijaz: is getting familiar with simulation tools and he is already making some plots using HTGEN.

Daniel: has been busy with guinea-pig. Some users signalled a very strange effect : photons with larger angle than the e- and he is trying to understand what it might came from.

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Maintained by: Andrea Latina
Last updated: September 3, 2007