Minutes from Beamdynamics meeting

Date: 18 Oct 2006
Participants: W. Bruns, P. Eliasson, J. Kim, A. Latina, D. Schulte

Daniel reported that he had participated in a discussion about the CLIC parameters. For the moment no changes are planned. He also reported from yesterdays phone meeting that it is necessary to provide ILC beam dynamics results for the RDR before the end of the year.

Warner explained in more detail what was the reason for the difference between his and Wang's results for the seconday emission yield for grooved surfaces. Last two weeks he has also been working on his 3D code. He will start the debugging during this week and is determined that everything will work before christmas.

Peder is working on implementing realistic dispersion and wakefield bumps. In a cavity free region a perfect dispersion bump is easy to create. He will now try to use a larger number of quadrupoles to make orthogonal knobs for wakefield and dispersion bumps.

Andrea has created functions to set and get element attributes directly from an octave script. The element can be accessed via name or number. He also merged the 6D code with the rest of PLACET. Some work still has to be done to make that work perfectly though.

--> Will talk to A. Seryi to get the K-model for groundmotion, which should be tested during future feedback simulations.

Jincheol presented himself as a new member of the CLIC-collaboration. He has during his first weeks tried to install Elegant on his computer, but this caused some problems. He has also been in contact with F. Tecker to get the CTF3 lattice.

--> He and Andrea should make sure that they get the CTF3 lattice in PLACET format.

Finally Daniel said that he has been investigating the ILC main linac feedback. MICADO and 121 feedback tests both show that a 1% quad strength error is acceptable. MICADO approach is at least as good as 121. It is more robust and almost as fast.

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Maintained by: Peder Eliasson
Last updated: 26 Oct 2006